Return to Hoth (9)Full unit name: IA - Return to Hoth Campaign
Last updated: 29.10.2023 14:17:10
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Basic info
First appearance: FFG Imperial Assault - Return to Hoth
Relations: Hoth
Grim tidings arrive for the Rebellion; their base upon the surface of Hoth
has been discovered. Led by the fearsome Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
, the Empire launches
Battle of Hoth
Galactic Civil War
a massive assault upon Rebel forces on the ice planet, ready to crush them once and for all. Barely able to withstand the onslaught, the Rebellion scrambles to evacuate the frigid world and escape the clutches of the Empire once again. As transports and fighters frantically prepare their departure, a few brave Rebel soldiers risk their lives against hopeless odds to buy them precious seconds...

The massive Imperial forces were approaching Echo Base, the main shield generator
KDY DSS-02 Shield Generator
Ground Vehicle
was about to be destroyed. Small squads of Imperials already breached defensive lines and were attacking evacuating Rebel personnel. The team of Rebel operatives were defending smaller faltering shield generator which was meant to provide cover for Rebel pilots
Rebel Alliance Pilot
Rebel Alliance Navy
. The pilots were effectively pinned down by Imperial fire from outside the base, and the only way to cover their run for the ships was to increase shield power. Lead operative quickly assessed shield's status, and it didn't look that bad - if a couple of auxillary power stations will be put online to provide necessary power. The team quickly found the location of all four power stations. They reached first one and activated it. They have ran to the second one, but a thundering blast sent them sprawling to the ground and its source, a fearsome Imperial scout tank
SC2-M Repulsor Tank
Ground Vehicle
, charged in their direction from outside of the base. The operatives dove for cover and started to exchange blast with the tank and supporting snowtroopers
Imperial Snowtrooper
Galactic Empire Military
. It took them several minutes to finally disable the tank and they ran toward second power station. The reached it, but as soon as one of the operatives keyed the activation sequence, the power station blown up throwing all operatives to the ground. Fortunately for them no one was killed but all sustained minor wounds. The snowtroopers catched up and started the attack, the operatives ducked for cover again and returned fire. They noticed that another soldier
Supporting Characters
in Rebel garb with grim scarred face was running toward them, but they disn't have time to celebrate, because he opened fire not at snowtroopers, but at operatives. Whoever he was, he wasn't definitely on their side. But the reinforcements finally came, a couple of Rebel troopers joined the fray and quickly thrown back the Imperials. The operatives waved their thanks to the troopers and run toward next power stations hoping that it won't blow up into their faces. The base heaters finally gave out and the temperature started to decrease fast. For next several minutes the operatives activated two more power stations and heard reassuing mechanical hum told them that secondary shield was back online. They quickly returned to where they started, noticing that the pilots were already running off toward their fighters and transports protected by fully powered shield generator.
The wave of evacating craft was met on the way to the rendezvous point by TIE fighters
TIE Fighter
Starfighter Models
and was forced to divert course. The evacuees eventually found refuge in the nearby Ison system, on a planet
of the same name. A mostly desolate planet, the evacuees found refuge in a mountain village called Haven, led by a man Zotho Benex
Zotho Benex
Minor Characters
, a Rebellion sympathizer.In the weeks following the battle, the situation grows dire. The loss
Ambush on Cloud City
Galactic Civil War
of Captain Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
at Cloud City
Cloud City
Planetary Superstructures
has devastated morale, and the Empire continues to expand its reach.
See also
Related organizations
Imperial Officer
Members (1)
Related units, characters and other technologies
Leia Organa Solo
Zotho Benex
Events that took place during this period
Defense of Haven
Return to Echo Base
Rescue Ops
One Step Behind
The Destruction of Haven
Our Last Hope
Complete list

Full unit name: IA - Return to Hoth Campaign Last updated: 29.10.2023 14:17:10